NEW - The Garden Collection

Welcome to The Garden Collection, where nature's whispers intertwine with artisanal mastery. Immerse yourself in a world of origami-inspired jewellery capturing the essence of blooming gardens. Each piece embodies love, resilience, and the joy found in life's simple treasures. Whether treating yourself or a loved one, this collection is a celebration of nature's beauty and serenity. Join me in this journey through the garden, where every piece tells a cherished story.

~Folded Gifts made with LOVE~

Unfold the beauty of Paper Jewellery when origami meets durability - wearable art that tells a story. Treat yourself or someone special with our unique eye-catching water-resistant origami jewellery to tell them how much you care.

Majestic Crane Collection

Introducing Majestic Crane Collection - exquisite origami crane earrings inspired by harmony, hope, and peace. Handcrafted with meticulous precision, each pair exudes elegance and symbolism. Discover the perfect blend of artistry and serenity. 

Parry Yang Miss Chopsticks Origami Jewellery

Have you ever found a piece of jewellery that truly speaks to your heart?

Hey there, I'm Parry. I am the designer and owner behind the beautiful paper jewellery you see here. I make handmade origami jewellery where every fold has a special meaning to a personal story. Ready to embark on a journey woven with threads of hope and the transformative power of creation? Let's dive in together.

Are you, like me, seeking love, peace, and hope amidst the hustle and bustle of life? If so, you've arrived at just the right place. At Miss Chopsticks Origami Jewellery, you'll discover pieces designed to bring a touch of tranquillity and joy into your life.

Imagine yourself owning a piece that not only makes you feel happy but also tells a personal story with every fold. Each creation is a celebration of nature, gratitude, and the little joys that make life special.

Join me on this enchanting journey and uncover the colourful treasures that await you. Let's celebrate the beauty in every moment, together.

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Meaningful Gift Card

Give the gift of creativity with Miss Chopsticks Origami Jewellery Gift Card. Let your loved ones choose from exquisite handcrafted origami-inspired jewellery, for a unique, personal touch!

Gift it Today